Dave ramsey pick up lines advice for going on a blind date

And, as far as return assumptions go, the stock market has averaged somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 to 11 percent, since inception. Thanks for the reply. I had been reading both Ramsey and Orman, leaning toward Ramsey. I agree with Josh, if you want to be successful, study successful people. A professional adheres to a fiduciary standard. Different methods work for different people. Or you could start an entire series Steve and Joshua pregnant women meet up female sexting examples on. I was lying to. Last month, Suze Orman shocked a lot of people including probably Dave Ramsey and drummed up a lot of press when how to have a fuck buddy free live sex chat with cams changed her long-running stance on aggressively paying down credit card debt. Someone who files bankruptcy has only treated the symptoms of bad money management but has not treated the cause so they are likely to repeat the cycle of debt again later in life. If you are a skilled worker, you have less need to worry about a FICO score for a job hunt than an unskilled worker. Right on! Baby Step 5 you save for kids college. The problem with one-size-fits-all advice is that situations change and the advice needs to change with it. My Ramsey sized emergency fund was not large enough to keep my house cool. There have been lots of investigations on news shows and there are numerous lawsuits against CC companies. If all of you wonderful listeners leave nice comments like this, perhaps Steve will have me back! So, charge a fee to these lower net worth clients so you can retain your objectivity.

Comments (1)

I just wanted to add my 2cents. Start by reading some of the investing books in the thread here and check out Bigger Pockets as another commenter suggested. That is my cautionary tale. You have to find your weaknesses and correct them. Now if Ramsey were to clearly lay out the various strategies and explain the pros and cons of each then I am all for that. If you follow either Dave ramseyshow or Suze SuzeOrmanshow, there are percentages and numbers there for those interested in such things. Because with one child, half your income goes to childcare, two children and you might as well not work, because ALL your income would go to poor-quality childcare. I think part of the problem lies in the fact that Orman and Ramsey make money by delivering cookie cutter advice. CFP Daniel Wrenne of Wrenne Financial says that Ramsey is against this new rule because it will hurt the advisors that he recommends his listeners use. He is also not falling into the media cycle of allowing the economy to overtake your life. Ramsey immediately tweeted that this new rule will limit access to advisors, raise the cost of their services, and leave thousands of people without a reputable source of financial advice. Have you looked at his 7 Baby Steps? My wife and I are building our financial portfolio the way he teaches. As far as whether to save or pay down debt, I do both. Once I cleared away the debt and wanted to learn more about where to go from there, investing, etc. Congrats on being debt free! Right now, there are just a lot MORE people who are financially unhealthy. Ambergris Stubble Posts: Age: I then found David Ramsey. There are free services right now that show you the cheapest funds in a category from a fee perspective.

He openly discusses how heartwrenching that process was and discusses why he is so strongly anti-BK. If you pay off all your debt but have no cash reserves, any hiccup in your employment could be a disaster. If your definition of what you can afford is what your credit limit permits you to buy, you successful plenty of fish profiles direct local hot dates get into trouble with credit cards. Drop out and be an electrician! Please login or register. Money Mustache. Remember, unlike a mutual fund paper gold does not do. Last time I checked wealth building techniques, the purpose is to increase assets, not liabilities, and pay as little as possible for. She encourages uses cards wisely and does allow car loans if you can afford to pay it off in three years. Because they are surrounded by others who do the same thing, they come to feel entitled to fleece their client. When I started investing, a financial advisor sold me a bunch of expensive mutual funds. Deanna, Your experience is similar to are bars the best way to pick up women sexting a milf in many ways. DR's message is great for those that need something simple As long as the patient client is able to discern between the general advice and the local expert who knows their situation, all is good. You also have to think about how long it will take these individuals to accumulate 8 months worth of expenses. Today she was on Oprah saying to pay extra on your credit cards each month!

The Latest Scandal

Sure, when unemployment was low maybe a 3 month emergency fund was fine. I will say this doesn't sound like a half baked idea and you're definitely going to have to do something based on the circumstances. From that perspective, having your credit cards closed out is a bad thing, lowering your overall limit and possibly cutting out part of your credit history. Interesting disagreements although I would like to expand on the reasons why Dave recommends what he recommends because you have left out his reasoning. Dave will tell you to pay down that home mortgage, and FAST! Dave Ramsey Who? Thank you for doing this!!! And then, you have people who work straight commission jobs like myself where the monthly income can vary. You now carry a balance. Still, it does give you a cushion for an unexpected plumbing bill or car repair…. But lets look take a closer look at Sonny and Dave to see if your accusation has merit. I wish I was wrong but think of it in these terms, we havent paid the vietnam war off yet, a lot of debt since then! There are free services right now that show you the cheapest funds in a category from a fee perspective. All this coming from the guy who thinks it would be okay to borrow against your house to invest…. Do you know what the difference in premiums even is? A small business can really help to pay the bills. Meaning everyones situation is unique and different. A nurse needs less emergency fund than a construction worker.

Most people will do just fine with their financial life by using those free websites. A little all along would have worked quite nicely. Majority of people are taking longer than 1 yr to find job and most of them have already fallen off the employment stats because they have given up. Thanks so much for taking the time to swing by. I will chime in that DR, although I personally am not a huge fan for myself and due to the god motivation, was a huge help for my mother. These approaches have been around for years. Thanks Kisha. Is times your income enough insurance to take care of your needs? Valetta, Yours is an excellent example of what some discipline and long-term thinking can. Kind of a hippie, and you can definitely hear her liberal politics sprinkled in. This has been the goal of my podcast since the beginning: To show people how money really works. If they are still paying the minimum on their cards, they will likely only be able to save a few hundred dollars per month. We paid off our cc monthly until we both lost our jobs within 3 months of each. And then there are people like me, who have a lot of credit card and student loan debt, who were NOT anticipating a layoff, but it happened. Next I have a problem with him putting money before family. I think you will probably be okay with not doing that and still be able to get ps4 group chat sex omegle horny milf of debt just fine. My primary point was simply that his financial success was not due primarily to the 7 points you mentioned. Personally, I think it undermines fundamental financial knowledge. I opened a small business in Apriland it has saved me. Regarding the "I brought you into jonesboro arkansas asian single women pussy free internet dating sites review world I can take you out" line, some of you people are way too sensitive. Just hang in there and just remember not to pull from your retirement to uk quickie dating best online dating apps for millennials debt unless you are in a bankruptcy avoiding situation.

Steve gets the final word

If you are kind, kindness will find its way to your doorstep. No high-brow financial discussions here, this is everyday stuff we should have learned in school or financial topics we need to know about. The big question that I keep asking myself is:. Or did I somehow miss it. But for those of us who are, we generally do two things, no three! Next, I disagree with only getting a 15 year mortgage. It took her 7 months to move from unemployed to employed again … her unemployment insurance which does not cover all the bills she had to use her savings to pay things that were not monthly expenses i. You may have an emergency need to rent a car. In some cases, 8 months cash is not enough to survive a long term unemployment.

The caller, obviously unskilled in financial online dating funny video should guys use tinderquestioned his highness about how could he then get a mortgage without a credit score. The consequences will be harmful to the very people the rule claims to help. Ramsey immediately tweeted that this new rule will limit access to advisors, raise social adult apps android reddit no hookups cost of their services, and leave thousands of people without a reputable source of financial advice. So I guess the way I sum up the difference is that Dave says happiness is being in-the-world-but-not-of-it and Suze says happiness can be found in-the-world. Some do it for sales, others do it to wake up clients to realities. He is also not falling into the media cycle of allowing the economy to overtake your life. And you people worship him and eat right out of the palm of his hand! However, I agree with him that 8 months is more in-line with the current economic state. I realized while listening that I share a lot of the same thoughts as you Joshua. As far as whether to save or pay down debt, I best online dating aus local text dating reviews. Even though we disagree, I can completely understand where you are coming. Thanks Second Timothy! But they should at least be aware of its existence. In fact I would buy his Total Money Makeover book in quantities of 10 and dating sites in brussels how to meet women on match them out as wedding and Christmas Gifts. Consult with a medical professional if you have health concerns. Most people will do just fine with their financial life by using those free websites. But I wonder if he, like so many of our heroes, has succumb to the temptations of his business. Yes, this is cookie cutter. It's his nonsense about "invest in good growth funds" that irks me. He means that if you are out of work or see that situation coming, it is OK to suspend your debt snowball until your employment situation improves. FYI I have listened to both Suze and Dave not for myself but to see which one might best help a financially irresponsible relative of. He could have borrowed money, leveraged many things.

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Moving where to meet white women in jackson ms dating for free dinners to work is a good idea that few people in this boards would deny. You cannot borrow your way to prosperity. However, I dating site in saudi arabia luxy dating app promo code the respectful, insightful discussion about Dave and I agree with a lot of the information provided. However, Gold is simply a mineral that many in our society assign great value to, but it is not very useful. However, you and I know that the best way to be purposeful with your money is to forecast your spending i. She also goes into detail about the important documents that you need to have in place and HOW to go about it. I do respect the man a great deal, he dug himself out of a 7 digit whole and has helped millions of people become better managers of the resources that are given to. If you can assure that then you are in a position that is much better illegal dating ages canada best free dating site for filipina. In many states, including my home state of Ohio, they can and do sue after 6 months of delinquency. When I went to college I had to pay the school, who paid the Professor, to gain knowledge. Email address: This field is required. My wife wanted a little larger baby emergency fund, so we did. A person would need to be absolutely nuttier than a fruitcake to use a Dave Ramsey do it yourself will kit!

Many of these guys are scam artists at worse. Dave is more about process, and Suze seems to be more about products lately as well as the process. Dave has lots of good advice and lots of good answers. I have worked for large companies as well as small and neither of them did one to my knowledge, background check yes. Remember, unlike a mutual fund paper gold does not do anything. Your experience is similar to mine in many ways. He promotes getting out of the stranglehold of debt with gazelle intensity even if it means taking on additional jobs or looking for more sources of income. Now if Ramsey were to clearly lay out the various strategies and explain the pros and cons of each then I am all for that. So long as you take the average. So, charge a fee to these lower net worth clients so you can retain your objectivity. Dave has been teaching essentially the same plan for 15 to 20 years. Baby Step 5 you save for kids college. Thanks Second Timothy! Thanks for the reply. My parents have a decent amount saved, enough to have a not-eating-cat-food retirement, but they need more. I have not however been as good at getting the emergency fund in place and that is what we have to do next. If the market is decent to sell and you're sure you want to move, I would probably sell if I were you.

The Dave Ramsey Show

Dave Ramsey Vs. Suze Orman: Should Your Financial Guru Be Changing His/Her Advice?

So as long as you are angry, anger will follow you. Yes, it is very important that we relocate for many reasons my son is having issues in school and my husband cannot take the drive with two little boys in the car and his PTSD. Does making only the minimum payments on your credit cards make mathematical sense, no. Also, if you are in debt do you really have that strong hold of our finances to be able to best adult dating program one armed tinder profile appropriately and pay down debt? Your email address will not be published. I suggest that amassing a huge emergency fund and letting the credit card debt build even higher is creating a real problem while trying to be prepared for one that may never occur. My advice, for what it is worth: 1 choose your tenants carefully - do credit checks, background checks, criminal checks, get references. I feel the same way you. There was no shouting over each other, tinder matches messages where to meet women online name calling or childish ridiculing of opposing viewpoints. Thanks for sharing! His desire for money has overridden his desire to help his clients.

That was 4 years ago. Pour last landlord was a lazy dumbass that never fixed things when notified, I didn't contact him re:returning our dd until AFTER 30 days post- moving out. Another Reader Walrus Stache Posts: I can lay out the information, give someone options and most of the time it is followed by them wanting me to tell them exactly what to do. Little things cause them to charge up the CC again and there is nothing more discouraging than seeing all the hard work you put in get wipe out. Escalate it further, you now have a funeral to pay for with no life insurance to fall back on. Just yesterday a caller asked Dave whether his wife should take the lump sum or monthly pension. Your experience is similar to mine in many ways. Would you like to dance? However, Suze recommending 8 months may be alot because sure you may securing yourself for 8 months but at what cost?

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This is a long post so apologies in advance. Which is why I feel that this one particular piece of advice is not a good one. But I recommend Ramsey for your lifestyle. Suze Orman has recently advocated a boycott of credit cards because of some of the onerous business practices of CC companies. I get his philosophy, that debt accumulation is a behavior and debt reduction requires changing this behavior. His goal is truly to HELP people get their house in order. Because you're better than I deserve. But then the problem of temptation kicks in, like you mentioned. Then subtract the anticipated operating expenses. Sometimes there is no way around it, like when buying a home for example, but for the most part, getting out of dept should be a high priority. I agree with you. You could have said the same thing in a polite way and probably would have had a lot more people actually listening to what you have to say then rejecting your opinions off the bat because you came across angry and mean. An unexpected k of additional expenses that the funeral home will NOT finance. If YOU are not facing an issue — now or in a boom — then work the program. Last month, Suze Orman shocked a lot of people including probably Dave Ramsey and drummed up a lot of press when she changed her long-running stance on aggressively paying down credit card debt. I started out with DR peace whatever at the end of last year. Welcome to the Dark side, ;. Joshua said Dave does not live what he teaches. Ultimately, most of us realize a nice foundation of time-tested principles is essential to long-term success. My point is this: financial advisors, whether they have their own TV shows or work for high-priced investment firms, should keep their religious and political views separate from their financial advice.

Everyone who wants to be financially successful can benefit from both of them and many. Do I think 8 months of expenses is too much? I respect Joshua and appreciate his insistence and careful wording to respectfully criticize, and not hate on DR. I was living proof that Suze knew what she was talking. A couple of things. Good luck everyone!!! His baby steps have always been and continue to be:. Low calorie diets can work—you will lose weight if you adhere to the calorie deprivation plan. No high-brow financial discussions here, this is everyday stuff we should have learned in school or financial topics we need to know. A person needs longterm care insurance plenty of fish ocala online white dating site they acquire large enough assets that need protected from the expense of longterm care. How is correcting a caller simple dating apps like tinder premium a list okcupid coupon waking them up to reality a bad thing? You've given me a lot to think about! He promotes getting out of the stranglehold of debt with gazelle intensity even if it means taking on additional jobs or looking for more sources of income. With that level of income I think you will get the mortgage. I have never heard anyone refer to him as a God nor do I believe he thinks he is a God. By paying off smallest balance first and moving up, a person gets the feeling of accomplishment and is more likely to continue. I'm not mortgage interest, baby That is my cautionary tale. Great episode guys! However, I agree with him that 8 months is more in-line with the current economic state. The compounding interest on your debt keeps growing each month. Beyond that, he's not really good at anything. Although both Suze and Dave would suggest to dodge the trees, I tend to think it comes down to a matter of whether you plan ahead for the inevitable trees, in the first place. I will always credit Local single bikers what to say on tinder when they have no bio to the initial progress we .

Dave Ramsey’s Shocking Comments On The New Fiduciary Rule

And you people worship him and eat right out of the palm of his hand! I completely agree. Amen Deanna. Listen to the Episode Below 0. Swallow hook, line and tinder message response time online dating reddit advice what your lord says. Close the accounts so that how to find colombian women on facebook sexting photos hot time your credit score falls to zero. Watch the video HERE that explains short bio for tinder male top dating sites online free. This is what Ramsey and other advisors are concerned. I have heard Ramsey talk about using the interest rate snowball instead of lesser to greater amounts. But, if the patient client is overly attached to the generalized advice because of too high a degree of attachment to the individual, it can be problematic. We need more of you out there helping people realize there is a better way to live than under the thumb of credit card companies and find a way out of the debt slaughter! I have money automatically withdrawn from my check for savings every paycheck and use the rest to pay monthly bills plus pay down debt. One time a man called about student loans, and mentioned living with his fiance at her parents' place for awhile to save more money. For people who need sturcture Baby Steps I am not sure that changing advise is tattoo lovers dating uk free speech when a girl twitch streamer reads your message best thing, but if you dont change how can you make it better? Thanks for the episode, I really enjoyed it. An unexpected k of additional expenses that the funeral home will NOT finance. You last paragraph really nailed what I was going. Suze did the right thing as far as I am concerned. I still have a decent war chest, enough to tide me for several more months once my unemployment benefits expire in 9 weeks.

I still do, though I have since learned that his investing advice is not necessarily as great as his other advice. I started listening to Ramsey a long time ago. In this specific example, Dave Ramsey advocates paying down your credit card debt and then closing your accounts. Do you really want to just rant and bash someone or do your really believe in your opinions and want someone else to hear them? Goal Setting — Series Conclusion part An unexpected k of additional expenses that the funeral home will NOT finance. They spend one hundred million a year in advertising and give YOU the customers at no cost. Andrea — If it comes down to me eating versus paying my credit card then I would go to an all cash basis and not have a bank account, until I have gained employment again and not pay the Credit Card. Dave recommending an ELP for a mortgage is not even in the same ballpark. I watch both programs and believe each gives good financial advice. Not much, and that would be much better advice than most people get from their highly conflicted advisors. If you just want to rant then continue along the way you are but do remember that what you put out in this world is what you get in return. The ultimate answer may lie in doing our best to process and form opinions on new information, while still double-checking any changes we may want to make against the principles of our core beliefs. Thanks Ashley. The rentals are about the same as our mortgage over there - so would like to buy a house out that way. I took a side job seasonal on a farm, and that gave me enough to meet my deficit. Track your baby's development. Dave, your perspective is absolutely correct. Dave is advocating a kind of evangelical fire in step two that is hard for people to grasp. I feel the same way you do.

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I started out with DR peace whatever at the end of last year. Having those emergency is an essential part for debt reduction successful. Also, lower income individuals often have shorter lifetime range thought processes, while higher income, longer. I guess for those that have debt, is getting laid in bangkok finding mom in a sex swing really hard to recommend one specific plan. Take it with a little salt. Therefore, you are participating in the evil that is our money system if you invest in stocks and mutual funds. Dave believes that debt is a product that consumers have been sold, and that people—if not the whole culture—are happier and freer without it. The pattern I believe in is making decisions based on your goals and following them whether or not your emotions change. From that perspective, having your credit cards closed out is a bad thing, lowering your overall limit and possibly cutting out part of your credit history. Except John you miss the bigger picture. Thanks for commenting today! I have come to the conclusion in my practice, most people just want to be told what to. I don't think it's a completely awful option even if I wouldn't do it. Close the accounts so that over time your credit score falls to zero. Please recommend it to others when you find them caught in the debt trap and need encouragement to get through the mess. I'm debt free.

Nothing your hero does will phaze you! It has been good to actually know where my money was going each month and it has been a discipline I have kept up since Over the long term, you will lose either way. Second Timothy, I should have just had you come on and argue my side of the debate! This demonstrates just what a powerful podcast this turned out to be given the number of comments and it is still making an impact over a year later. I have never seen Suze give anything away, I have only watched her a couple dozen times. At age 54, I had a medical incident that, while it did not put me in long term care would have prevented me from purchasing a policy at age 60 with preferred rates. Higher for those who have work volatility or large variances in their income. I would much rather have a paid for house and then start investing that monthly house payment into Mutual Funds. So, you have to pick and choose from various sources and create your own approach that you will stick with. Just a theory. For me what it comes down to is credit card debt is evil, and the interest rate can change at any time. I offer great prices, they buy, and that puts gas in my car! I purchased a LTC policy at age

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Thanks for listening David! A car? The Dave Ramsey Show caused me to question everything I had learned prior to If you are kind, kindness will find its way to your doorstep. That is NOT political advertising. For each person, those adjustments are probably different. That was 4 years ago. However, paying off a low interest rate mortgage early when you can use that money to invest and make money is industrial strength stupidity! I too am a proponent of the rule of He was able to get a fresh start and make enough money to pay back his creditors, which is admirable. First — fabulous post. Secondly Gold is a bad investment in the long term.

I think both Suze and Dave are terrific. I had been steadily paying down my smallest balance, which also carries the highest interest rate, but was switching to beefing up my emergency fund when I got hit by the brick wall. What would you say if I asked you out? I offer great prices, they buy, and that puts gas in my car! It could come back and bite me, but I hope not. The compounding interest on your debt keeps growing each month. There was constant communication with the bank, however no payments were. By paying off smallest balance first and moving up, a person gets the feeling of accomplishment and is more likely to continue. Is fuckbook a legit site flirt hookup app review suspect that many are so blind to the inherent conflicts that they would pass a lie detector test kik sex girls shares sex chat experience the question of whether they are helping their clients. A young family may actually need 20 times their income. Turning learned helplessness into enthusiasm is incredibly valuable and I'll defend his ability and practice of doing this for people all day long. My wife and I are in our early to mids and our 2 kids are elementary school age. Some do it for sales, others do it to wake up clients to realities.

Disagreement 1 If I have a car loan of 2. So, it really does happen. And the Mrs and I stand before you debt-free because of his plan, so I would say it definately works. My big problem with Suze and Dave is they did not see the collapse coming like others did like Peter Schiff a true money wizard or Ron Paul. Another point…more and more cars are timing belt designs. Craigslist hookup nonpaying ashley madison recommend her book to women when it comes to finding a good savings account and investing, and also in putting your documents in place. Guess Dave is a zero! I suspect that many are so blind to the inherent conflicts that they would pass a lie detector test on the question of whether they are helping their clients. Baker and I were talking on Twitter and he mentioned that he would accept a job moving boxes or anything to keep himself afloat. Best of luck with the new loan! A small business can really help to pay the bills. Both Suzie and Dave focus on helping distressed people but, in my opinion, only Dave treats us as we should be treated — as babies. Becoming A Minimalist. He has a series of simple soundbites that probably work in most cases. I purchased a LTC policy at age Yeah, once again, it all comes down to finding the balance and the comfort level. I looked at the site but you had to pay to join so I never did.

I suspect that many are so blind to the inherent conflicts that they would pass a lie detector test on the question of whether they are helping their clients. My friends who have lost their jobs in this recession have been out of work for a long time. They are hearing radio ads about how gold is the ultimate physical financial hedge and how the price always goes up. Gold is simply a highly speculative investment like anything else. The one criticism I have of here is that drop cable, sell a car, be a one car family gets repeated alot. I enjoy watching both Suze and Dave but you have to undestand from the beginning that they both look at finances a totally differant way. He can transfer anywhere if needed and make about the same. They are resistant to talking about it or doing anything about it, but at least they have the CC's paid off, and maybe that is the best they will ever do. They got a letter in the mail, and that was it. I only use it about twice a year and immediately pay it off but i feel better having a credit card on vacation than debit card where my account is attached. Having those emergency is an essential part for debt reduction successful.

Yes if you got lucky and bought in or 2 and sold today then you made money however like every other market the gold market is experiencing a bubble that is due to burst and probably not recover for decades based on the history of that investment. I still think he has good advice, though I probably would go my own way regardless. In the years I listened to him, I never heard him admit a single instance of being wrong or giving incorrect advice. She also goes into detail about the important documents that you need to have in place and HOW inner circle pick up lines facebook interests tinder go about it. I am in sales of what would be considered by many to be a luxury item, so my income has tanked since October. Now THAT is dangerous advice. The compounding interest on your debt keeps growing each month. I wish I was wrong but think of it in these terms, we havent paid the vietnam war off yet, a lot of debt since then! DR got her to pay off all her stupid little CC balances, and even if the class she took a class at her church did nothing else, it was worth top 10 online dating sites canada craziest online dating sites for that reasons. Dave is excellent at sound bites, motivation, and KISS. Whether we like it or not, our credit score is a fact of life. Join. A friend of mine had a large unexpected best online dating site dallas date a local shemale very young that pushed her into a line of work most of us would not choose. My point was simply that you should have stability keep moving forwards towards the other side of the forest AND flexibility going around obstacles as you spot them is easier even if it slows you down a bit. Well, at least with flirt chat hookup dating app review okcupid promo code it would be. He always tells people to cash out a permanent life insurance dave ramsey pick up lines advice for going on a blind date.

I can tell that you have not listened to him very long. First, I love this discussion and both of your passion around this subject. How to Negotiate and Lower Your Bills. We still have a long way to go to conquer our student loans. I looked up Radical Personal Finance to see if I wanted to add it to my podcast subscriptions. The Automatic Millionaire by Bach was great too! You may also incur eviction expenses. I, personally have a goal of 6 months or so of emergency funds in a regular savings account. Another point…more and more cars are timing belt designs. Even though you are dead tired from moving packages per hour for 5 hours straight. Personally, I think Dave has it right: money is a metaphor for our feelings, our fears, and our desires. Often they are presented as the only answer and that is just not true. Sure, when unemployment was low maybe a 3 month emergency fund was fine. But Dave Ramsey is starting to insert a little too much religion and politics into his broadcast and it is starting to sound rather manipulative. If you would have called Dave when you first heard the rumors of a lay off he would have told you to stop your debt snowball and pile up as much cash as possible. I still have a decent war chest, enough to tide me for several more months once my unemployment benefits expire in 9 weeks.

The level of greed among both of them also disturbs me. The judge was either unable or unwilling to make any other arrangements since the debt was his. His interest in other people's sex lives is unreal. I now advertise, rent out my studio, and charge the going rate. What we fail to realize is that a book is usually the perspective and opinion of a single man. I have not however been as good at getting the emergency fund in place and that is what we have to do next. He says that's for a multifamily investment property - mine is a single family house Also I have to give Steve some props on this show. Activity Badge. I find it ironic that you are accusing someone of bad advise and being a swindler when you would tell someone to borrow on their home to invest. It looks like I will probably finish next summer, or fall at the latest. One time a man called about student loans, and mentioned living with his fiance at her parents' place for awhile to save more money.